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Prowess Project helps you go from home to hired.
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Build your profile & get matched.
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Upskilling Course
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Upskill with our programs & courses.

How our job pool works.

Build your profile

In less than 60 mins, we walk you through how to build a profile showing off your professional and personal achievements. If you need help, you can contact us at anytime.

Prowess reviews for approval

The Prowess Team will review and score the components of your profile - then add you to our job pool.

Get matched with jobs

The Prowess Project Job-Matching Algorithm™ matches you with jobs and teams based on your skillset and behavior-style compatibility.  If there's a match, we send the job opportunity directly to your inbox!

What Prowess Pros say

Testimonials from women who went from home to hired

"Prowess Project is my chance to take on a new challenge, grow my skills and surround myself with powerful women!"
Project Manager, Prowess Certified
"The Prowess Work-readiness Course has been a really big game changer for me in a lot of ways - learning about myself and now landing a job. I’m so thrilled! Thank you, Prowess, so much for facilitating this! I’m so grateful!!
Project Manager, Prowess Certified
"I've spent a year applying and sometimes interviewing for jobs and it's been soul-sucking. Completed Prowess Certification and Boom- hired. Amazing work Ladies!
Operations Manager
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