About Us

Prowess Project helps to solve both by vetting and certifying these women in the latest tech tools, remote work, empathy and project management.  Our proprietary technology then matches them up with roles based on the skills needed and behavior compatibility with the new team. At Prowess Project, we drive progress.  In companies, by providing flexible talent and in women’s lives, by providing more options so they can have it all – fulfilling work and time for family.

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How it all began

After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin (hook ‘em), Ashley spent twelve years in tech marketing and entrepreneurship in Austin, TX with a two-year project in London.Women empowerment, especially in the workplace, has always been very important to Ashley. One of the biggest issues that continued to baffle her was women pressured to choose between her career and her kids. Why are the only mainstream options – continue a 40+ hour workweek or stop working completely to become a caretaker?And out of the frustration that a “gray area” didn’t exist, Prowess Project was born.In the fall of 2018, Ashley joined an accelerator called Founders Institute which jolted Prowess Project into existence. The more she spoke to frustrated, overwhelmed business owners and experienced, educated women who want to get back into the workforce, the more she felt compelled to bring this to life and, with the support of her friends and family, she’s doing just that.In her free time (ha! What’s that?), she enjoys a good happy hour, doing yoga but only to rap music and spaghetti and meatballs.

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Have questions? Reach out and let us know how we can help you reach your career goals today.

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