Account Manager

Type of role:
Account Manager
100% Remote
Hours per month:
Placement type:
Contract (1099)
Hours per week:
Length of role:
Long term
Technology Software
Tech needs:
Alignment with Prowess mission:

More about the company:

Small company owned and operated by the husband and wife who have a shared passion as software engineers.

Theia Marketing is a Colorado-based growth marketing firm located in the small town of Elizabeth, Colorado. Theia Marketing provides companies the resources and expertise necessary to build comprehensive smarketing. We define smarketing as an integration between the marketing, sales, and service portions of a company.

Our favorite type of customers know they need a holistic view of their company's customer journey to be successful. Still, they are tired of spending more time managing their marketing, sales, and service tech stack than working with their customers.


Software Product Manager for Hubspot-- or entry level Hubspot software engineer/hubspot "technologist" who can complete tasks such as creating fields in Hubspot, creating custom objects. etc. 5-10hrs a week to start and could increase depending upon how the role progresses. This role is responsible for customer management.

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