Traditional Project Manager

Type of role:
Project Manager
100% Remote
Hours per month:
Placement type:
Hours per week:
Length of role:
Technology Software
Tech needs:
Google Analytics
Alignment with Prowess mission:

More about the company:

Clickvoyant is an AI-powered analytics software that automates presentations from raw marketing data. A woman-owned data company.

The CEO and CPO are very proud to be women in data and feel they are the sharpest people they know.  Both were former Directors of Analytics prior to coming together and building their company.  They are strong dominant women but also very smart, fun, and do not have a lot of ego when it comes to the culture of their company.  They are open to failure as long as it is failing forwards, not a lot of time for indecisiveness.


The role needs a strong project manager, 25-30hrs a week, to provide all aspects of project management for a start-up, women-owned, data analytics company.  Someone who is highly organized, detail-oriented, takes the initiative with little hand-holding, provides excellent customer experience, has grit, confidence, Saas product manager experience, and/or tech/data analytics software development experience in relation to project management.

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